Sunday, November 13, 2022

Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Slender-legged Camel Cricket)

Ceuthophilus gracilipes
(Slender-legged Camel Cricket)

Ceuthophilus gracilipes gracilipes

Slender-legged Camel Crickets are about as funky as pet bugs come. With their giant legs and absurdly long antennae, these creatures appear to have escaped from another dimension. Nymphs start off with a matte texture, eventually gaining a glossy finish at adulthood. Their coloration is a cryptic mixture of tans, browns, and blacks, which grows more intense with age. This species is our largest native camel cricket and one of our most impressive orthopterans in general. They happily reside in large groups if fed regularly, though care should be taken not to crowd them too much. Much to the joy of the cricket keeper, Ceuthophilus gracilipes are completely silent and odorless.

Adult Size 
Body: Male (30 mm), Female (30 mm) 
Leg span: Male (90 mm), Female (90 mm)

Climbing Ability - None

Flying Ability - None

C.gracilipes are massive and rather crowding sensitive, so their enclosure should have some space.

Ventilation level - Moderate

Hides - Necessary

Barrier/Secure Lid - Necessary

C.gracilipes aren't picky about their substrate as long as it holds moisture well and is deep enough for oviposition.

Type - Not picky

Moisture level - Moderate

C.gracilipes should mainly be fed proteinaceous pet foods, but will munch on vegetables and fruits as well. Cannibalism can occur without sufficient protein in their diet.

Type - Proteinaceous pet foods, vegetables, fruits

C.gracilipes can be kept into the high 60s, but grows and breeds fastest at warmer temperatures.

Range - 68 F to 80 F

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