Sunday, November 13, 2022

Schultesia lampyridiformis (Firefly Roach)

Schultesia lampyridiformis
(Firefly Roach)

Schultesia lampyridiformis is a fascinating cockroach species from Brazil. As nymphs, they feature an earthy color palette that is reminiscent of bark or wood. However, once the molt to maturity is completed, a very different appearance emerges. What was once a drab wood chip gains wings and a brand-new set of colors that combine to give this Blattodean its common name - the Firefly Roach. Looking like the poisonous, bioluminescent arthropods of their region allows these roaches the odd ability to live in birds' nests without the risk of being harmed.
Adult Size - Male (15 mm), Female (20 mm)

Climbing Ability - Adults & nymphs can climb

Flying Ability - Uncertain

S.lampyridiformis aren't particularly large or crowding sensitive, so their enclosure doesn't need to be spacious.

Ventilation level - High

Hides - Necessary

Barrier/Secure Lid - Necessary

S.lampyridiformis aren't picky about their substrate as long as it holds moisture well.

Type - Not picky

Moisture level - Dry w/ 1 moist corner

S.lampyridiformis aren't picky about their food and can be fed an average roach diet.

Type - Fruits, proteinaceous pet foods, vegetables

S.lampyridiformis can be kept into the mid 70s, but grows and breeds fastest at warmer temperatures

Range - 75 F to 85 F

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