Sunday, November 13, 2022

Porcellio scaber (Rough Isopod)

Porcellio scaber
(Rough Isopod)

Porcellio scaber (the Rough Isopod) is the most widespread of the four Porcellio species in the United States. This species is very hardy, handling a wide variety of moisture levels. This Rough Isopod has produced at least 20 different morphs in captivity. 

Adult Size - Male (15 mm), Female (15 mm)

Climbing Ability - None

Flying Ability - None

P.scaber aren't particularly large or crowding sensitive, so their enclosure doesn't need to be spacious.

Ventilation level - Moderate

Hides - Necessary

Barrier/Secure Lid - Not necessary

P.scaber aren't picky about their substrate as long as it holds moisture well, isn't abrasive, and is deep enough to burrow in.

Type - Not picky

Moisture level - Moderate

P.scaber aren't picky about their food and can be fed an average isopod diet.

Type - Dead hardwood leaves, proteinaceous pet foods, vegetables

P.scaber can be kept into the high 60s, but grows and breeds fastest at warmer temperatures.

Range - 68 F to 85 F

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