Saturday, November 12, 2022

Gyna centurio (Centurion Roach)

Gyna centurio
(Centurion Roach)

The Centurion Roach is one of Africa's many six-legged gems. Nymphs start off brownish in color and eventually darken to black with a handful of pale spots. Adult males are beautiful roaches with their coupling of tan, red, and white markings. Females, however, are the real showstoppers, featuring a highly contrasting mix of red and white hues that appear detailed enough to be hand-painted. Gyna centurio are quite secretive and usually stay burrowed, making no attempts at escape when their enclosure is opened.

Adult Size - Male (25), Female (30 mm)

Climbing Ability - Adults can climb

Flying Ability - Adults can fly

G.centurio aren't particularly large or crowding sensitive, but they are quite prolific, so their enclosure should have some space.

Ventilation level - Moderate

Hides - Not Necessary

Barrier/Secure Lid - Necessary

G.centurio aren't picky about their substrate as long as it holds moisture well, isn't abrasive, and is deep enough to burrow in.

Type - Not picky

Moisture level - 1/2 dry & 1/2 moist

G.centurio aren't picky about their food and can be fed an average roach diet

Type - Fruits, proteinaceous pet foods, vegetables

G.centurio can be kept into the mid 70s, but grows and breeds fastest at warmer temperatures.

Range - 75 F to 85 F

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