Sunday, November 13, 2022

Eleodes armata (Armored Darkling Beetle)

Eleodes armata
(Armored Darkling Beetle)

The Armored Darkling Beetle is named after its unique legs, which each feature a pronounced spine. Larvae eject a defensive liquid when picked up, which is...interesting to say the least. Eleodes armata are pickier about their moisture levels during pupation than some other darkling beetles and certain locales may require a clay-based substrate to maintain ideal conditions.

Adult Size - Male (28 mm), Female (30 mm)

Climbing Ability - None

Flying Ability - None

E.armata are large, so their enclosure should have some space. Height should be factored into the equation if larvae are being pupated communally.

Ventilation level -
Communal pupation (main enclosure): Very high
Isolated pupation (main enclosure): High
Isolated pupation (pupation cups): Moderate

Hides - Necessary

Barrier/Secure Lid - Not necessary

E.armata are not picky about what substrate they'll oviposit in. It should be deep if larvae are being pupated communally. They prefer low substrate moisture during pupation and likely require a clay mix to keep their pupal chambers from collapsing.

Type - Not picky

Moisture level - 
Communal pupation (during larval growth): Top 1/3 dry, bottom 2/3 moderately moist
Communal pupation (during pupation): Top 1/3 dry, bottom 2/3 slightly moist
Isolated pupation (main enclosure): 2/3 dry, 1/3 moist
Isolated pupation (pupation cups): Slightly Moist

E.armata aren't picky about their food and can be fed an average darkling beetle diet.

Type - Proteinaceous pet foods, fruits, vegetables

E.armata can be kept into the low 70s, but grows and breeds fastest at warmer temperatures.

Range - 70 F to 80 F

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