Saturday, November 12, 2022

Archimandrita tessellata (Peppered Roach)

Archimandrita tessellata
(Peppered Roach)

Archimandrita tessellata (the Peppered Roach) is one of the largest cockroach species in length, and especially in mass. This species starts as a burrower, but embraces a fully arboreal lifestyle at maturity. Their common name comes from the dark "peppering" that adorns the wings of adults. These roaches give live birth and have a rather long gestation period. Luckily, it is made up for by producing rather large litters of approximately 30 nymphs. They are one of the best roaches for handling due to their large size and generally calm demeanor. 

Adult Size - Male (70 mm), Female (70 mm)

Climbing Ability - None

Flying Ability - None

A.tessellata are massive, so their enclosure should have some space. Said enclosure should contain an ample number of vertical hides. Adult roaches will spend the entirety of their time on these surfaces and large nymphs will use them for their final molt.

Ventilation level - Moderate

Hides - Necessary

Barrier/Secure Lid - Not necessary

A.tessellata aren't picky about their substrate as long as it holds moisture well, isn't abrasive, and is deep enough to burrow in.

Type - Not picky

Moisture level - Moderate

A.tessellata aren't picky about their food and can be fed an average roach diet.

Type - Fruits, proteinaceous pet foods, vegetables

A.tessellata can be kept into the low 70s, but grows and breeds fastest at warmer temperatures.

Range - 70 F to 85 F

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